Posts tagged “countryside

Nowhereville (7 days to go)


All that remains is 7 days, and Nowhereville is nearing it’s conclusion, or rather it’s beginning I should say, because that’s exactly what it is obviously, the beginning. Now the real adventure starts, soon I’ll go out in search of these places I have spoken of so often over the preceding days and weeks. And even though I might not get close to the funding needed for this journey, I’m still determined to bring this ‘passionate affair’ to life, there’s simply no other way. This affair demands satisfaction, and it deserves fulfilling the faith shown in it by all who have taken an interest in the journey thus far.

I would like to take a moment and thank my WordPress contributors thus far, what you guys have done is utterly astonishing.  For the funding I say a massive thank you, and for the pure faith shown in the project, well, for that I don’t have the words to thank you properly. Your generosity overwhelms me, and I’m utterly humbled by it. I’m dedicating Nowhereville to you, you shared in this vision, and so this project belongs as much to you as it ever could to myself.

And these are the magnificent people I’m speaking of, thanks again guys. Soon we’ll be taking to the road, soon this project will come to glorious life.

Adrian at

Jonathan at

James at

Timm at

George at

and of course Sorin over at

You guys rock!

Dear Darkness

From familiarly mundane, to something else entirely. These soothingly colourful landscapes transforming at night, evolving into infinite mystery. You find yourself on some obscure dirt road somewhere, nowhere. You breathe the slightly dusty night air, and you feel enveloping darkness laying down on you, loving you in that moment.  And all you can do is marvel, marvel at the vastness of it all, all that uncertainty, all that mystery, close enough to smell.

These are from another one of my many badly neglected projects. At the moment it’s all about ‘Nowhereville’, as it can only be. How strange for me as my life’s been one drawn out struggle with the very concept of focus, or more accurately, the lack of it. Always ten different roads, ten different directions badly travelled. And now this is all I can see, this one project, this one stretch of road.  Maybe it’s because this one project symbolizes all that could have been, all those badly travelled roads perhaps travelled differently. This road needs to be different, this needs to be the one that takes me closer to home, it just has to be.